90+ Film Presets for Capture One Styles
Getting the Film Look was never easier! Jump right into it, find your favorite, apply and export.
This Preset Collection is the result of my work over the past 6 years, and it includes over 90 signature presets. With fine adjusted controls, and so many choices, you definitely won't get bored soon.
These are the presets I've created and used to fuse my creativity as a photographer.
Check my portfolio to see the results coming from these presets.
All you have to do is adjust Brightness or Exposure.
Individual License
Thanks for your purchase!
License is lifetime of course, you can use them on any kind of project of any kind of size and you don't need to credit the artist if you don't want to, but sure you can if you want to help me out:]
The license is given for an individual, so sharing is not permitted.
It took a lot of research and work doing these powergrades, and i'm trying to keep the price as affordable as possible for everybody, so i hope you can understand why it's important to .
If you want to buy group license , email me and i will make for you a custom price:D. (minimum 5 individual licenses to be able to give you a offer)
Thanks for your understanding, and if you come across any issues, just shoot me a message or an email and i'll try to help you out!