Sharing this and hoping to get some feedback on setting up PPs.
I love the idea setting up different film simulations on my Sony as I've envied my Fujifilm friends for years! And when I subscribed to these PP recipes I thought I'd be shooting a different film simulation every day. Here's my issue however; I can only SAVE onto my camera USER 1-2-3, M1, M2 M3, and M4.
I watched your YouTube video several times on adjusting the Picture Profiles but maybe I missed the part about saving them for easy retrieval. I was further confronted with the problem that setting up each PP, 1 through 10 was fruitless because I had to manually change the WB and Kelvin each time, unless saved in USER 1-2-3 or M1, M2, M3 and M4.
Am I missing something? Id like to plug in 10 film recipes and seamlessly select one from another depending on my desired need to shoot a recipe.
Setting up a specific WB for one PP seems to continue on when I selected another PP. In that case I might be setting these recipes wrong.
I love getting film recipes update from my subscription and would love a faster way to shoot all of these presets easier.
Thanks, I hope someone has a good work around to my problem.
I might have an idea to have more custom profiles at hand when needed. C1, C2 and C3 are saved on camera and can be used for your most used profiles like one general, one portrait and one b&w for example. The other 4 are saved on the SD card. One could keep 4 b&w profiles on a card, 4 portrait profiles on a second card, 4 night profiles on a third card and so on.