Hello everyone, I recently purchased a Sony RX100 VII and am considering an upgrade to a more high quality camera like the Sony A6700 or the A7C II. My primary focus is on travel and street photography, encompassing both stills and video, with an aim to create short films interspersed with photos. Compactness would also be important for me. Additionally, I'm interested in printing my work, so image quality should ideally be sufficient.
I researched various Sony cameras, I've noticed significant price variations, particularly between APC and non-APC models. Does anyone has suggestion of camera that could meet these requirements? (sony or not) I'm open to suggestions :)
Bonus: Alex, how do you select so nicely the audio track of your videos? Do you use any particular audio bank? :)
Thanks in advance!
Thanks a lot for the very qualitative answer! You have completely convinced me. I will purchase the Sony a6700 in the upcoming weeks and begin taking online photography courses. Later on, I plan to venture into video editing with the objective to create short stories combining videos and photos. For this, I will make sure to follow your videos and purchase the Sony Film Simulation Presets you created :). Thanks again!
Thanks a lot for the insightful answer, like always! The Sony a6700 in this case seems a better fit. Why did you decide to focus on Sony camera? Do the videos on your channel also come from a6700? Do you recommend any other Sony camera Inwoild have missed? Thanks!
Both the a7cII and the a6700 are great cameras for your purposes, but finally it ends in subtle differences.
For me it boiled down to one thing, do I get the benefits of the full frame in most of the video frame rates? and the answer is no, so from a video point of view, what is the point of paying full frame when I can get a cheaper aps-c sensor with almost no crop in all frame rates and faster sensor readout?
The a6700 can do 4k 120fps and HD 240fps, while the a7cII can only record HD 120fps and has no option for HD 240fps.
For me video is more important at the moment, because I already have full frame cameras which I can use for photography when needed.
If you want to crop a lot in your photo editing process, you might need 33MP from the a7C II, but me personally I rarely found I needed more than 24MP (a6700). As a perspective, I have a friend that shoots fashion with the canon r6 which only has 20.1 MP, and he never felt limited even for huge prints. It's crazy sharp.
In my view the a6700 is a more balanced hybrid camera with a slight compromise of APS-C sensor (worse low light sensitivity - more noise), while the a7c II is a photo focused camera with a bigger sensor (slightly better lowlight performance) and higher resolution(24MP vs 33MP), no anti aliasing filter, resulting in sharper images.
So in the end, what is more important to you? Bigger sensor and more resolution for photos? or more frame rate options and better recording in 4k resolution?
I personally use Epidemic music for my videos. They have a pretty vast library of music.