Hi Alex,
Thanks for the latest update! Your work really reignited my love for digital photography!
I would like to use your color checker references to control the output of my camera (RX100VI).
In the welcome guide manual pdf you write „take a picture with the color checker underneath it“
Are you referring to the color checker as a physical objec here? Or a representation on a screen or a print out?
To be the most precise I assume one would have to buy the same color checker card product you use in you’re references? Or could it also be a different product?
thank you for advice on this detail :)
I got the color checker card! :) Feel free to follow my progress on finetuning RX100 M6 here: https://www.veresdenialex.com/sony-film-simulations-forum/share-your-work/rx100-m6-color-matching-to-colorchecker-references
Awesome, thanks for the quick response! I ordered the chart on alibaba and will share results of the calibration!
Hei! Glad you are enjoying these recipes.
You would need a real color checker for accuracy when comparing to these samples. Screens have different temperature point, and prints most probably will have different colors, so the comparison would not be accurate.
For most precision, the same color checker would be advisable, and don't worry, it's a great cheaper alternative which costs only 20 euro. So you are not going to break the bank just to check your film simulation accuracy. Most people should be able to afford it, and it meets its purpose. Here is a link https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000689515439.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.65.66731802FFomS3
I bought it off aliexpress, but you might also find it on amazon or other local resellers.