I shoot a lot of music photography in various settings, small clubs through to large venues. I get results that I’m happy with in raw but wondering if there are any picture profiles that would work for a different effect. The quality of stage lighting varies but usually workable. Any input would be greatly appreciated.
Cheers, Richie
Unfortunately I don't shoot a lot of concerts or events, so I haven't much tested these film simulations in such conditions.
I did try the Sony Eterna film simulation at some concerts and parties. In my experience it does wonder no matter what light.
Maybe start with that, and hopefully there are more experienced which can give you multiple suggestions.
Also can you include some of your own work to showcase the style you are going for? For example these are some of my concert shots on Sony Eterna film simulation, and heavily edited afterward.
My style might be very different from yours, and my recommendations might, or might not be compatible with your style, so it's important to see what you are going after to receive matching recommendations.